
Our World in AMR

The AMROrbit Scorecard is a pivotal tool designed to empower governments globally in the rigorous monitoring and management of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). It provides visual insights that identify areas requiring immediate intervention and evaluates the effectiveness of stewardship and surveillance strategies, aiming to significantly curb the spread of AMR.


The AMROrbit Scorecard is a pivotal tool designed to empower governments globally in the rigorous monitoring and management of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The Scorecard presents a phase-space plot with resistance levels on the x-axis and the rate of change on the y-axis. Countries in the bottom-left quadrant display favorable AMR profiles, characterized by low initial resistance and a slow increase over time. The remaining quadrants identify countries where targeted interventions are needed due to rising resistance, high baseline resistance, or both.

Surrogate Indicators

Cross-correlation analysis, including lead/lag analysis, was employed to assess the temporal relationships between resistance patterns across different antibiotics. These surrogate indicators act as early warning signs, offering valuable insights for timely intervention and strategic decision-making in combating antimicrobial resistance. Our study identified antibiotic coupling at the global level, which can be further mined to guide and optimize surveillance strategies.

Genomic Models

Bayesian Networks (BNs) were utilized to model the conditional dependencies between antibiotic resistance patterns and genomic data. This approach allows for understanding the relationships between genetic factors and resistance.